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Who Made the Flag?

The debate remains on who made the first flag for the United States. I think that Betsy Ross made the flag and here is a few reasons why. Her daughter wrote about her making the flag and about how she worked on it. George Washington was on the new flag committee and already knew Betsy Ross because she did some sewing for him, so it may have made him think of her to sew the flag. She also had a upholstery and sewing shop so it would also make sense for George Washington to think of her. Her first husband was in the Pennsylvania militia and died serving his country and so George Washington knew that she would want to be a patriot and make America a flag. It also says the design by Francis Hopkinson was changed by Betsy Ross so it would make her even more likely to have made the flag. When she changed it she added the five point star, made the stars in a circle, and made it into a rectangular shape instead of a square. This is my opinion on why Betsy Ross made the flag.

Patriot Poem

He wrote the Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania

Know as the “Penman of the Revolution”

Wrote 1775 Olive Branch Petition

Second Continental Congress

John Dickinson

Represented Pennsylvania Colony

He wrote the Liberty Song

He voted against the Declaration Of Independence

Was elected to the Continental Congress then Delaware Assembly

Martin Luther King Jr.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that” Martin Luther King jr. That was my favorite Martin Luther King Jr quote.

Martin Luther King Jr did lots of service to our country and we should give back to our communities. When we serve on Martin Luther King Jr day, we are honoring his legacy. It brings people together when we serve our community  and it makes the world a better place. So make Martin Luther King Jr day a day on, not off.

For my act of service on MLK day I washed the dishes for my mom. I helped out without being asked and I served my family when I did it It is something everyone in my family needs so I didn’t just serve my parents by doing it. I did it on MLK day because Martin Luther King Jr would have wanted us to serve in any way we can.

Jamestown or Plymouth

If I had the choice between Jamestown or Plymouth I would choose Plymouth. Plymouth would seem the best choice because they actually ended up doing pretty good. They were the first permanent english settlement in the New World. Plymouth’s first winter was harsh and many people died. After winter the few people that were alive still met a indian and his name was Squanto. He was from a very friendly tribe of indians called the Wampanoag. He taught the people in Plymouth how to grow food. After such a good harvest they decided to have a feast to say thank you to the Wampanoag.

Row Your Site

Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. He was born on August 5, 1930 and died on August 25, 2012. He won many awards such as the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Congressional Gold Medal, and Congressional Space  Medal of Honor.                                                                                                                          

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